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Top 2023 Trends from an MSP Perspective

Everything Tech


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2023 Trends

2023 is the year of the cloud

In this post-pandemic world, more and more people are now dividing their working lives between the office and a location in the home. The hybrid way of working has been a boost to millions with many organisations latching on to it with great success, however whilst it affords employees flexibility according to their own priorities, it’s not without its challenges.

Companies are now asking what the office is and what it means to people. Many companies have already downsized their office floorspace and with that they are also closing the door on in-house server rooms and the associated costs of running and maintaining expensive, resilient in-house solutions.

Insurance companies have also seen a shift due to remote working during the pandemic. A sharp increase in cyber-attacks as IT departments have struggled to maintain security whilst providing for home-working has seen more and more companies become victim to ransomware.

As a managed service provider (MSP) we’ve already started to see customers regroup and take a look at their IT in a new light. Where previously objectives might have been cost, locality and ability to physically lay hands on primary and backup systems, new objectives are flexibility, continuity, security and ease of use.

Realigned priorities and increased insurance requirements means the Everything Tech Group have already seen increased interest around our private and public cloud solutions in the back half of 2022 and we see this ramping up and continuing into 2023. Wherever organisations are on their journey, we can help them support existing server and telephony infrastructure, move to privately hosted cloud or embrace the public cloud.

By Matthew Whiteley, Group Technology Director, Everything Tech Group

If you are raring to go in  the New Year and to plan your 2023 IT strategy get in touch with our team today. 

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