£470,815 saved on conference calls last month.
Join hundreds of thousands of savvy people who don’t pay a bean for telephone conference calls.

Say hi!

Free conference calls

Why pay if you really don’t need to? Calls to WHYPAY? are included in bundled minutes – from mobile and landline phones.
Advanced features like call recording, moderator controls and custom branding are also available.

We keep it 03.

Dialling in via our 03 access number will save you a fortune.

Because your conference guests deserve better.

We set out to provide the best free conference call service, to show there really is no need to pay for your conference calls. Even if you want nifty features and choose to sign up for a paid plan, no guest should have to pay to participate in a conference call. And with WHYPAY? they never will.

£470,815 saved in July alone!

All WHYPAY? conference rooms – whether on the Free, Plus or Pro plan – are accessed using free conference call numbers. All our dial-in numbers are 03 numbers. Calls to these numbers are included within UK callers’ bundled minutes, or charged at the standard landline rate. Essentially, this lets your guests avoid conference call charges. As long as they have bundled minutes available, they won’t part with a penny.

In 2021, WHYPAY? users saved £11m

Think for a moment. It’s enough to pay for…

290 Junior Doctors

110 Ambulances

19,800 Hospital beds

Simple, easy conference calls

User-friendly by nature.

From the most technically adept to the sworn technophobe, staying in touch with loved ones and colleagues matters to everyone. WHYPAY? was created to offer simple conference calls with easy set-up.

  1. Sign up to receive your dial-in number, room number and PIN.
  2. Send your conference invitation including these details.
  3. Everyone dials in from their own phones using your details, entering the room number and PIN on their telephone keypad when prompted.

If you want conference calls made easy. WHYPAY? is the service for you.

WHYPAY? for conference calls

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