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Celebrating Apprenticeship Week at Everything Tech

Everything Tech


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Ryan Lewis completed his apprenticeship in 2020 and continues to work as a 2nd line technician and was Everything Tech’s Employee of the year 2022. Jackson Cheng started as an apprentice with Everything Tech in 2022.

Why did you choose to do an apprenticeship?

Ryan: I chose to do an apprenticeship because I felt this would be the best pathway into full-time employment in the industry, I am passionate about. You are supported, not only with on-the-job training to constantly develop and further a wide range of skills but also with industry-standard qualifications that will be recognised for the rest of your career.

Jackson: I chose to do an apprenticeship to get myself started in a career within the industry that I wanted.


What do you think the biggest misconception about apprenticeships is?

Ryan: I think the biggest misconception about apprenticeships is the way you will be viewed and treated within the business and the expectations on you. You are a genuine asset to the company that they look forward to training and developing and seeing you grow within the business. You are held to the same high standards as your colleagues and are always encouraged to explore your limits and jump into something new.

Jackson: I think that the biggest misconception is that people choose to do an apprenticeship because they can’t get into university.


How do you feel you have impacted the business since starting your apprenticeship?

Jackson: I think I’ve impacted Everything Tech by improving my base knowledge and being able to take on tasks that can ultimately take some workload off colleagues, which then improves efficiency, as they can deal with more complex matters.


What are/were your favourite things about being an apprentice?

Ryan: My favourite things about being an apprentice were the constant knowledge I was gaining every day and the support of my colleagues. I was always feeling as though I was rapidly developing and growing in the company, all whilst having a strong support network around me that was always there for any questions I had or any gaps in my expertise. The opportunity to learn so much and try so many new things will help to shape the rest of my IT career.

Jackson: My favourite thing is being able to develop my skills through completing the task. It is a much more hands-on approach to learning, which I believe I respond better to.


What has been the best moment of your apprenticeship so far?

Jackson: The best moment for me so far is that I have been able to learn and contribute to a working environment.


What top tips do you have for a young person who wants to pursue a career in IT?

Ryan: Definitely do a lot of research into apprenticeships.

There are a range of providers offering courses from 4 days’ work and 1 day of college a week, to pathways that lead to a degree. You need to take the time to decide which is right for you.

You do not have to map out the rest of your career right now.

IT is such a broad subject matter with a wide range of roles and specialities available that there is no need to pick a specific one to focus on when just starting your journey. You can always train and develop those skills along the way, and you may find that skills picked up by doing another role will help you in this. For example, you may work on the helpdesk but work on a project which piques your interest in cybersecurity or networking, then you can begin to build and develop into that area of expertise.

Use online resources

A vast range of resources is available to you online designed to help you develop the basic skills to form a solid foundation for an IT career. These range from free Microsoft Learn training courses, to specially designed websites like Udemy or CBT Nuggets which deliver you a full, recorded course led by an instructor who is a specialist in the industry.

Jackson: My advice would be, if you have the desire, then go for it! I come from a background in Banking and Finance, but I think if you have the motivation and passion to get into IT, you will find the inner drive to do so, in any way, regardless of whatever qualifications you do or do not have.


What is your plan for the future?

Jackson: My plan for the future is to continue to develop further professionally, constantly improving my knowledge and skills to become more experienced in the tech industry.


Team Leaders take on apprentices

Dave Boulton, the head of Service Delivery for Everything Tech Group in Manchester said “Having apprentices in Everything Tech Group is great for everyone. From a business perspective, it’s an opportunity to get a member of staff who is getting formal training on systems and learning how to provide excellent customer support, while becoming an integral part of a team that makes a difference to our customers. It is also great to be able to give someone an opportunity to learn a trade and step up into a new career and support them through their IT Journey.

From the candidate’s point of view, it’s a fantastic chance to build the foundation for a career in the IT industry by achieving a recognised qualification that is supported by real-world experience working with technical teams, systems, and customer support.”





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