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How to Identify and Respond to Cyber Threats with Endpoint Detection & Response

Lyndsay Fielding


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Learn lessons from cyber-attacks to better defend your business

Businesses are facing well prepared and perilous attackers, including nation states and cyber-criminals that are strong-minded to breach your cyber defences. Attacks are on the rise and, with the random nature by which IT networks are penetrated, it’s becoming an unfortunate inevitability that we will all suffer from an attack at some point, regardless of whether we have been specifically targeted or not.

We shouldn’t have to sit back and suffer… with the dangerous rate of attacks taking place, why should we not learn lessons from what’s happened and use those lessons to better advance our defences for next time?

Adapt & better defend yourself with Endpoint Detection & Response

With an Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) service, you’re not only actively alerted to attacks taking place, but you will benefit from intelligent insights that break-down the steps involved, to spot patterns & stop the same attack from taking place again and again.

All credible security vendors that supply & support EDR services, will licence their customers access to the global intelligence and remedial protection insights gained globally from deployments of their software, across each endpoint device.

What can we do with the insights?

EDR supports targeted attack analytics, which is a holistic approach to attack detection. Making advanced AI and expert threat research available to any organisation that’s a customer of the EDR product.

Gone is the need to physically correlate scans of all your devices, with limited intelligence gained from only your own network. This disjointed approach results in visibility gaps, too many false positives, longer threat dwell times and less accurate detection.

With the power of EDR, your outsourced IT partner or internal IT personnel, can be the step-ahead in protecting your business with security awareness otherwise unobtainable to them.

How does EDR work?

EDR collects event data across various termination points, including end user computers, servers, email and cloud applications, providing a complete view across the business and a global view based on telemetry from thousands of enterprises.

The security vendor employs data scientists that create analytic applications, which employ the latest artificial intelligence and advanced machine learning methods to detect suspicious activity.

This activity is inspected by their own attack investigation teams, who’s role it is to determine actual attack patterns occurring in your environment. Thereafter feedback critical updates to your console in real time, with details of the attack actor, the devices impacted by the attack and advice on remedial actions to take to repair & protect further exposure.

We help implement & support EDR to better defend our clients

We’re EverythingTech.

For well over a decade we have partnered with clients across Manchester and the wider-North West as their outsourced IT department – covering all needs from IT Support, to Cloud, to Connectivity and Communications.

We are incredibly proud of our commercially-sound, technology solutions that drive efficiency, cost savings and performance for the businesses we support.

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