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Debunking Common Myths About Migrating to the Cloud

Lyndsay Fielding


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If the last two-and-a-half years have highlighted anything, it’s the flexibility is now a key part of how the world works and makes a living. Cloud computing has been a big enabler of this, but there are still people out there who misunderstand the whats, whys and wherefores of migrating an SME’s operations to the Cloud.

There’s the opportunity for a huge boost in growth and strategy of organisations across all departments with this modernisation, if it is suitably embraced. But engagement is vital – so here are five myths about moving an SME’s operations to the cloud and the reasons why they’re not true.

“Microsoft are the enemy and aren’t to be trusted!”

Old school IT managers like to protect their realms and as such are prone to believing conspiracy theories about moving to the Cloud. They’ll claim that data shouldn’t be kept there as there’s no way of knowing who has access to it.

There’s absolutely no need for concern when storing data with Microsoft. There’s a need to be vigilant, obviously, as there is wherever data is stored, so tools and technologies need to be configured correctly, but there’s no need for concern; the biggest companies in the world which also use Cloud solutions have already done the required due diligence.

“Cloud storage offers only that – just storage!”

Power bills are on everyone’s mind at the moment as the cost-of-living crisis starts to bite. It’s tempting to think of the Cloud as a money-saver now that servers aren’t plugged into on-premises wall sockets, but that’s not actually always the case.

As a capital expenditure, the Cloud can actually be quite pricey. But it comes into its own with its flexibility and how it’s more than storage. It gives employees the freedom to work anywhere there’s an internet connection if an on-site server fails, or even if it’s stolen. A purchase of Cloud storage is a purchase of good and sensible benefits for a company.

“The Cloud is the perfect solution for all businesses!”

As great as Cloud computing is and with all the flexibility that it offers, it’s unfortunately not for everyone. For a lot of desk-bound jobs that need little more than access to Word, Excel and Outlook with the occasional foray into Powerpoint, it’s a perfect working environment.

Problems arise when the Adobe suite has more significance in an employee’s duties than its Microsoft Office counterpart. Huge audio, visual or design files will take much longer to transfer via the Cloud than they would in an on-premises server. It’s best to not automatically assume that the Cloud is a solution to all of an SME’s ills.

“I’m the IT manager and I don’t want to migrate to the Cloud because it will make me redundant!”

Those old school IT managers mentioned earlier have some of their responsibilities taken away when an SME migrates to the Cloud. Their jobs become less important once Microsoft or Amazon start looking after aspects of the company’s data. If something goes wrong while they’re in charge, they feel important, but if something goes wrong in the Cloud, the responsibility to fix it no longer lies with them.

As such, they’re concerned that their role is devalued. But that doesn’t need be the case. If they adapt their skillset appropriately, there’s still a home for them as they make sure that Microsoft Azure is consistently maintained and configured correctly. They’ll still have a valuable role within the business, it just won’t be the role they’re used to.

“The Cloud isn’t secure!”

This is the perhaps the biggest myth about Cloud computing. The notion that it’s unsecure is ludicrous when compared to the security of a fixed server, which can be broached with considerable ease.

If company files and data are stored in the Cloud, then a laptop that is mistakenly left in a bar or on a bus or train is the only thing that’s physically lost. Anybody who chances on the hardware won’t have the keys to a business’s kingdom without the credentials to access the data from the Cloud. If, on the other hand, the data is stored on the hardware itself, a nightmare scenario has come to life.

If you’re thinking about moving your business to the Cloud or would like help and advice on any IT needs get in contact with one of our experts today.

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